Previous Conferences
September 14-15, 2023: "Digitizing Health and Wellbeing", Thirteenth International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society - Dr. James Marcum
“The Future of Digital Health and Its Challenges”, presented by Dr. Marcum at the Digitizing Health and Wellbeing conference in Vancouver, Canada.
Find more information here:
July 21th, 2023: International Sermon Studies Association Conference: Sermons and Human Dignity - Dr. Paul Martens
“The Medium is the Message? Reflections on Human Dignity and Religious Discourse,” was presented by Dr. Martens at Christ Church, Oxford. For more information here:
June 27-29, 2023: Natural Law in Shia Islam, Presented in “Shia-Jewish Legal Reasoning Dialogue", Indiana University, Bloomington - Dr. Amir Asghari