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Matt Burchett* & Perry L. Glanzer (November 2020). “How Student Affairs Education Limits Spiritual, Religious, and Secular Identity Exploration: A Qualitative Study of Graduate Students’ Educational Experiences” Journal of College and Character 21, 4: 281-300.
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Perry L. Glanzer, “General Education Sucks: So Teach the Great Identities,” Journal of General Education 69, no. 3-4 (2020): 175-95.
Perry L. Glanzer and Nathan F. Alleman (2020). “The Outrageous Idea of the Christian Teacher,” in Called to Teach Excellence, Commitment, and Community in Christian Higher Education, eds. Christopher J. Richmann and J. Lenore Wright. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, pp. 45-71.
Perry L. Glanzer, Theodore F. Cockle*, Elijah G. Jeong*, and Britney N. Graber* (2020). Christ Enlivened Student Affairs: A Guide to Christian Thinking and Practices in the Field. Abilene, TX: Abilene Christian University Press.
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