Project Overview
Illuminating Theological Inquiry and Christian Ethics Through Training in Psychological Science
Read the Application Materials
Generously funded by the John Templeton Foundation, this grant aims to foster interdisciplinary work that brings together scholars from various fields to tackle complex problems of human flourishing. Theologians can lack training and outlets to collaborate with researchers from the sciences, which would increase the scope and applicability of their work. Without in-depth training in qualitative/quantitative research methods, theologians often do not come to research with the kinds of “scientific” methodologies and thinking that other researchers prize.
There are notable exceptions to this disconnect, however. Theologians working in theological anthropology, moral theology, and practical theology are robustly integrating the psychological sciences into their theological reflection. This grant will build upon this work by training a group of junior and midcareer theology faculty, as well as graduate students and postdocs, who are interested in topics in the psychological sciences that address suffering, virtue development, and aesthetics. Theologians within and outside Baylor will have the opportunity to compete for training opportunities in three phases of the grant that will become increasingly robust and hands-on.
In the News
Listen to psychologist Dr. Krista Mehari and ethicist Dr. Anne Jeffrey discussing how and why they collaborated on a cross-disciplinary project in the area of adolescent virtue development.